Letzter Updated:
TWIG Point service provider platform for TWIG personal alarms
3655 Ansichten •Protecting people is our priority
0 Ansichten •TWIG Point -pilvipalvelut TWIG-henkilöhälytinten valvontaan ja hallintaan
3323 Ansichten •TWIG One and TWIG One Ex personal alarm devices
6800 Ansichten •Twig One and TWIG One Ex Animation without text
3851 Ansichten •TWIG Neo marketing video
2984 Ansichten •TWIG Neo video short version
3898 Ansichten •TWIG personal alarms for risky lone worker situations
2282 Ansichten •How to use man down alarm?
2722 Ansichten •Case Study: TWIG Embody protecting lone workers in indoor emergency situations
12817 Ansichten •REACH Regulation (EC) No 1907/2006 EN
10328 Ansichten •Twig Com Terms of Trade
8706 Ansichten •TWIG Accessories Datasheet EZ6300-EN
7242 Ansichten •TWIG Privacy Policy
7035 Ansichten •ATEX Safety instructions YZ5406-EN-DE-ES-FR-IT-NL-NO-SV-FI
6865 Ansichten •TWIG One and TWIG One Ex personal alarm devices
6800 Ansichten •RoHS2 Directive EN
6392 Ansichten •ATEX Beacon Safety instructions YZ3447-01-EN-DE-ES-FR-IT-NL-NO-SV-FI
6147 Ansichten •ATEX Workplace Directive EN
5824 Ansichten •Twig Com End User Terms of Service
5818 Ansichten •TWIG Protector Series TUP92EU RED Certificate 1160
5733 Ansichten •Certificate TWIG Protector Ex IIC TCP90EU EC-VTT 13 ATEX 025X
5712 Ansichten •Declaration of Conformity ATEX TCP90EU TWIG Protector Ex
5665 Ansichten •Declaration of Conformity RED TUP93EU TWIG SOSCard
5582 Ansichten •TWIG Beacon Datasheet EZ3415-EN
5579 Ansichten •Declaration of Conformity ATEX TUP92EU TWIG Protector EX and TWIG Protector Pro Ex
5544 Ansichten •Declaration of Conformity RED TUP92EU TWIG Protector
5519 Ansichten •TWIG_2020_presentation_EN_PDF
5510 Ansichten •TWIG Protector Ex ATEX Certificate VTT 16 ATEX 040X
5505 Ansichten •TWIG Neo video short version
The new, small and scalable TWIG Neo provides multiple wearing options making it ideal e.g. for laboratory, maintenance and health care staff.
TWIG Neo adds new features to wearable TWIG devices: 4G data communication, configurable UI and keypad, SRD3 option, robust SIM cradle and Firmware over-the-air.
With SRD3 option TWIG Neo is the first multi-wearable TWIG device to benefit from TWIG Point Netloc hybrid location both for public space location (cellular + Wi-Fi) and for on-site location (TWIG SRD + Wi-Fi + BLE).
TWIG Neo adds new features to wearable TWIG devices: 4G data communication, configurable UI and keypad, SRD3 option, robust SIM cradle and Firmware over-the-air.
With SRD3 option TWIG Neo is the first multi-wearable TWIG device to benefit from TWIG Point Netloc hybrid location both for public space location (cellular + Wi-Fi) and for on-site location (TWIG SRD + Wi-Fi + BLE).
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