Lone worker safety in security

Security workers protect people and property, maintain crowd control, patrol areas and check doors, gates and windows, watch for irregularities such as fire hazards, leaking water pipes, lights left on, equipment malfunctions, unlocked security doors etc. They also face an increased risk of confrontations or even violence at work.
TWIG Tag is an active RF identifier registering attendance of security guards by swiping it with a TWIG personal safety alarm.

Lone working risks in security


Security guards face particularly assaults caused by a customer or individual attempting a robbery.

Threats and abuse

Security workers are exposed to circumstances in which they are abused, threatened or assaulted.


Security guards are put at greater risk and more vulnerable to violence when working outside normal hours and being in contact with the public.

Features for security people

Amber alert

When entering a risky situation, the Amber alert timer can be adjusted to trigger alert at predefined time intervals.

Attendance monitoring

The tag identity and position information is transmitted to ARC in real time over mobile network.

ManDown alarm

The automatic ManDown function can trigger alarm if user is unconscious or unable to alert help.