Lone worker monitoring systems

The alarm monitoring system is a solution to track and trace alarms triggered by the lone worker alarm device. The fast communication of emergency alert and location of the injured lone worker make sure the person in distress will be found faster.

The alarm monitoring system can be a standalone monitoring tool or a cloud application communicating with the lone worker alarm device. The integration of the alarm device protocol into the alarm monitoring system enable the communication between the device and the monitoring tool.

With the integrated device protocol the alarm monitoring system forms an alarm receiving centre for the monitoring and management of lone worker alarm devices. 

Working alone and isolated without the help from nearby employees requires adequate solutions for alerting help. The employers of alone working persons is responsible for ensuring the safety of their employees. TWIG lone worker alarms are dedicated devices designed for the safety of lone workers. 

TWIG personal alarm devices integrate with various alarm monitoring systems

Alarm receiving center

TWIG MPTP protocol integrated to service provider's alarm monitoring system enable to benefit of all TWIG lone worker alarm functions.

Alarm monitoring solutions

Third party alarm monitoring software compatible with TWIG  devices enabling GPS tracking and alarms monitoring.


TWIG Point SP is a alarm monitoring solution to manage and monitor TWIG personal alarm devices.  

Älypuhelin hälytyskeskuksena

Alarms and reports from TWIG lone worker alarms can be sent also to smartphones. The SMS including a link to Google Maps view help to locate the person faster.

TWIG Integrator Kit

TWIG Integrator Kit is package of developer resources  enabling integration of TWIG devices to alarm monitoring system.

TWIG-etuja yksintyöskentelevien hälytysten valvontaan

Laitteiden etähallinta

Management of personal alarm devices for etähallinta of device status, settings and services.

Helppo integroida

Avoimen rajapinnan ansiosta TWIG-henkilöhälyttimet ovat helposti integroitavissa asiakkaan omaan valvomoon.

Tarkka sijainnin seuranta

Tarkka sijainti TWIG Point Netloc -hybridipaikannus.