21.5.2019 Paranna sisätilapaikannusta kohdealueen suunnittelu- ja hallintatyökalulla
Luo monikerroksisia rakennuksia ja geokoodaa paikannusmajakat
21 toukokuuta, 2019 kirjoittaja
21.5.2019 Paranna sisätilapaikannusta kohdealueen suunnittelu- ja hallintatyökalulla
Twig Com

• TWIG Point Site is a handy tool to plan your site and to geocode beacons for indoor location.
• Add a building plan to your site by dragging the image on the street map and use satellite views to adjust it on its place.
• Create multistorey sites by adding subsites with a custom floor plan map to each floor.
• Drag and drop in each floor installed beacons on their place in floormap and adjust their transmission ranges.


Minimise system integration and software development

Choose optimal beacon technology and reuse existing on-site location beacons (SRD, WiFi, BLE) and sensors for compatible TWIG personal alarm devices. TWIG Point Site can be operated as a stand-alone tool, or run from your ARC system as a turn-key module complete with user interface.

Get full benefits with TWIG Point Netloc and TWIG Point Monitor

TWIG Point Netloc provides turn-key, world-wide indoor location refined with available on-site location information. The indoor location is visualised with a turn-key alarm monitoring and tracking application TWIG Point Monitor.

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